See what others have said about illegal immigration.
- Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Janet Reno on enforcing our borders, August 17, 1993
- Harry Reid: Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants, August 4, 1993
- Harry Reid: No sane country would allow birthright citizenship, September 20, 1993
- Dianne Feinstein on the costs of illegal immigration, 1994
- Barbara Jordan: Press Conference on Legal Immigration Recommendations, June 8, 1995
- Bill Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union address
- Hillary Clinton adamantly against illegal aliens, February 2003 Richard D. Lamm: I have a plan to destroy America, 2004
- Barack Hussein Obama on illegal immigration, 2005
- Barack Hussein Obama, The Audacity of Hope, 2006
- Barack Hussein Obama addressing the Senate, 2007
- Hillary Clinton on driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, January 1, 2008
- Nancy Pelosi opposing illegal immigration, March 6, 2008
- Chuck Schumer on immigration reform, July 2009
- Ted Poe: White House trespassers, December 14, 2009
- Jan Brewer: Mr. Obama, no one in Arizona is laughing, May 7, 2010
- John McCain: Complete the danged fence, May 7, 2010
- Jan Brewer to Obama: Warning signs are not enough, June 25, 2010
- Chuck Schumer on immigration reform, August 11, 2010
- Roy Beck: Immigration by the numbers, September 10, 2010
- Roy Beck: Reducing world poverty through immigration, September 10, 2010
- Lori Klein on the behavior of Mexican kids in U.S. schools, 2011
- Steve King: Death and suffering at the hands of illegal aliens, November 3, 2011
- Crimes of illegal aliens, July 26, 2012
- Chris Crane testimony at Senate immigration hearing, February 5, 2013
- Barack Hussein Obama on illegal immigration, February 12, 2013
- Hillary Clinton on unaccompanied children, June 18, 2014
- Barack Hussein Obama on illegal immigration, November 20, 2014
- Bernie Sanders on open borders, July 2015
- Hillary Clinton supports securing our borders, November 9, 2015
- Donald J. Trump on illegal immigration, August 31,2016
- Donald J. Trump: Immigration reform that will make America great again
- Donald J. Trump: Immigration is a privilege, not a right, March 17, 2017
- Donald Trump or Bill Clinton? Sometimes it’s hard to tell on immigration
- Paul Cook: ‘The Importance of U.S.-Mexico Border Security,’ September 19, 2018
- Homeland Security Advisory Council: Final Emergency Interim Report CBP Families and Children Care Panel, April 16, 2019